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Fevers-Don’t Sweat About It!

Have you ever been in a situation where your child has a fever that continues to rise? As it rises your child begins to feel worse and worse. The worse they feel, the more worried you become about what’s going on and what could happen. Sure you know that a fever is a sign that the immune system is working and that most times it should be left alone to…


Earth–Songs for the Earth and All Beings

Earth–Songs for the Earth and All Beings By Charity and the JAMband “Every day should be earth day, and every one, every daughter and son will love her like a mother and cherish her, every single day should be earth day!” A poignant message wrapped in vibrant, upbeat tunes, sure to delight old and young alike. Playfully recommended!


Cultivating Immunity in your Non-Nursing or Weaning Child

As featured in Issue 7 of HPM, written by Dr Jessica Payne. As holistic-minded parents we don’t consider nursing a choice, do we? Yes, we’ve heard it can be painful, challenging, and frustrating at times. But we know if we stick to our guns, get the right support, and never give up we will persevere. For most of us, this is reality. Nursing may not be as easy as we…


The Benefits of Bilingualism

It is estimated that over two-thirds of the world’s population speaks more than one language. Although the numbers are trending upward, the United States remains the exception, where only about twenty percent of the total population speaks a language other than English at home. American culture, for the most part, still demands conformity. Because we pride ourselves on being a melting pot, we discourage those who come here from elsewhere…


The Secret That Many Moms Are Hiding

While this is a great and true statement, there is a bigger secret that many women are hiding under their love for their new babies : birth trauma. While this can refer to a physical injury sustained during birth, I’m talking about the psychological wounds a woman can experience after a difficult birth experience. A healthy baby and healthy mama are the optimal outcome of birth, right? I think we…


My Holistic Life: A Natural Rash Treatment

My daughter Evie has always seemed to have sensitive skin. I know most babies have some sort of skin ailment at one time or another but she’s been very sensitive from the start. Her first day after being born she had a bad reaction to a metal button from the onesie they put on her in the hospital. The pediatrician, without even coming to examine her, ordered hydrocortisone cream to…


The Heroines Club–A Mother-Daughter Empowerment Circle

The Heroines Club–A Mother-Daughter Empowerment Circle By Melia Keeton-Digby I enjoyed reading this thoughtful and practical book on empowering mothers and daughters together. The year-long curriculum features our favorite heroines that will surely inspire moms and daughters alike to speak their truth, improve self-awareness, and lead lives free of fear: from Frida Kahlo to Anne Frank, and Malala Yousafzai to Mother Teresa. Empowerment, mutuality, edification, initiation, herstory, self-awareness and confidence,…


Wake Up Your Skin!

Bentonite clay has been used throughout history in many cultures across the globe. Made of volcanic ash, this grey powder produces a small “electrical charge” when hydrated (you’ll feel it gently pulse on your skin!). Mountain Rose Herbs explains, “Bentonite is a swelling clay. When it becomes mixed with water it rapidly swells open like a highly porous sponge. From here the toxins are drawn into the sponge through electrical…


The Present Mother–How to Deepen Your Connection With the Present Moment, Yourself, and Your Child

The Present Mother–How to Deepen Your Connection With the Present Moment, Yourself, and Your Child By Catherine Weiss “We are on the brink of a new consciousness in parenting–a shift from imagining our children are in need of being “fixed” by us, or at the very least “molded,” to realizing that the behavior issues we are increasingly seeing in young people ought to be a wake-up call to us as…


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